Wednesday, February 17, 2010

There are times in a one’s life when a person realizes that the inner selves that ache for acceptance will continue to vie for attention until they are comforted and ultimately healed.

And when I say inner selves, I refer to the eight year old who was told wasn’t chosen for the baseball team; the twelve year old who was made fun of for not having name-brand shoes; the fifteen year old who sat at lunch by herself.

Life continues, but those “versions” of ourselves have not joined us in our evolution. They are still yearning for acceptance. Until we sooth them, engage them, comfort them, we will continue to create them. Jobs that don’t live up to certain expectations; lovers who foster selfishness and ego-centric behavior.

If life is an accumulation of our experience, and we continue to experience similar circumstances, is life leading us, or are we neglecting to lead our lives?

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